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Global Nutrition Report Global Nutrition Report Resource Icon

Nutrition evidence and priority investments,

This report, published annually, tracks commitments made toward ending malnutrition to shed light on the current state of nutrition around the world. Additional data includes specific country nutrition profiles and a N4G commitment tracking tool to help communicate the urgent need for stronger nutrition investments.

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Investment Framework Overview and Tracking Resource Investment Framework Overview and Tracking Resource Resource Icon

Nutrition evidence and priority investments,

This website tracks current commitments to end all forms of malnutrition by 2025 – specifically stunting, wasting, anemia, and exclusive breastfeeding targets. This site can be used to identify key targets for commitments and better understand why these targets matter.

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Investment Framework for Nutrition Investment Framework for Nutrition Resource Icon

Nutrition evidence and priority investments,

This framework identifies interventions and approaches that must be prioritized to meet global nutrition targets, focusing on the financing needs to reach the targets for stunting, anemia, exclusive breastfeeding, and wasting to help inform nutrition commitments and cost-effective interventions ahead of the 2021 N4G Summit.

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State of the World’s Children 2019: Children, Food and Nutrition State of the World’s Children 2019: Children, Food and Nutrition Resource Icon

2013 N4G Summit, Nutrition evidence and priority investments,

This report examines global child malnutrition, presenting data on the issues regarding food systems and nutrition levels along socio-economic lines. Stakeholders can access statistical tables, case stories, video content, and policy recommendations to inform and advocate for commitments leading up to the 2021 N4G Summit.
