Nutrition for Growth (N4G) is a global pledging moment to drive greater action toward ending malnutrition and helping ensure everyone, everywhere can reach their full potential.
Over the past decade, the governments of the United Kingdom, Brazil, Japan and France each stepped up to mobilize N4G nutrition commitments against the backdrop of the Olympics—a symbol of health, strength, and human potential. With the support of governments, donors, civil society, and the private sector, the result has been unprecedented, coordinated, and impactful commitments to improve global nutrition.
The first N4G Summit was held in London in 2013 where 100 stakeholders endorsed the Global N4G Compact and pledged more than $4 billion in new nutrition-specific projects and $19 billion in nutrition-sensitive projects.
In 2017, stakeholders gathered in Milan for the Global Nutrition Summit to track against pledges made in London, take stock of progress made, and further build the coalition of global nutrition champions. This Summit generated an additional $3.4 billion in nutrition pledges, further growing global momentum to improve nutrition.
In 2021, N4G continued e to spearhead the effort to end malnutrition in all its forms at the Tokyo N4G Summit, focusing on the critical roles of food, health, and social protection systems in delivering good nutrition for all.
N4G delivers much-needed action on policy and financing commitments to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2—Ending Hunger in All its Forms—which is an underlying driver of 12 of the 17 SDGs.
Under the umbrella of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, the last ten years have seen growing global momentum to prioritize nutrition. Explore key moments below that have led to some of the most important gains in global health and learn more about how N4G commitments are driving progress and delivering better nutrition here.
Scaling Up Nutrition Launch
In 2010, the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement launched at the UN Millennium Development Goals Summit. At the launch event, governments, donors, civil society, business and academia, committed to work together to substantively scale up nutrition.
Global Nutrition Targets
In 2012, at the World Health Assembly (WHA), 194 countries agreed to the first-ever set of global nutrition targets.
N4G 2013 Summit
In 2013 at the first N4G summit in London, 110 stakeholders committed to prevent at least 20 million children from being stunted and save at least 1.7 million lives by 2020. Donors secured new commitments of over $4 billion to tackle undernutrition, and $19 billion in complementary nutrition-sensitive investments between 2013 and 2020.
50 SUN Countries
2014 marks the year where a total of 50 countries had joined the SUN Movement.
In 2015, world leaders committed to end “all forms of malnutrition” by 2030 as part of the SDGs.
Decade of Action on Nutrition
In 2016 at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the Decade of Action on Nutrition was launched as a tool for all actors to set, track, and achieve commitments to end all forms of malnutrition. In addition, the government of Brazil hosted a second N4G moment.
61 SUN Countries
Honduras becomes the latest country to join the SUN Movement in 2019, joining 60 other countries.
TICAD 7 (Yokohama)
The government of Japan led the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development in 2019. Co-hosted by the UN, UN Development Programme (UNDP), World Bank, and African Union Commission (AUC), the conference brought leaders together to advance Africa’s development agenda. Leaders from around the world emphasized the fundamental role of nutrition in promoting prosperity across the continent.
74th Session of the UNGA
All 193 Member States of the UN came together to discuss and work together on the international issues covered by the Charter of the United Nations (UN). Several sessions and side-events highlighted the importance of nutrition including:
African Union Summit
The heads of state and government of all 55 African countries will gather to attend the 33rd annual African Union Summit to determine policies and priorities for the Union, including investments in nutrition to address chronic hunger and malnutrition challenges.
World Bank Spring Meetings
The World Bank and IMF will hold their annual Spring Meetings to bolster awareness and advance the agenda on key issues to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity by addressing smart and timely investments in nutrition.
UN Decade of Action on Nutrition Mid-term Review
The mid-term review assesses and evaluate the achievements on eradicating malnutrition in all its forms in all countries.
The Nutrition Year of Action Launch event took place December 14, 2020. The event, hosted by the Governments of Canada and Bangladesh, in partnership with the Government of Japan, was designed to address the global hunger and nutrition crisis that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Growth of the SUN Movement
By early 2011, 12 countries had joined the SUN Movement as a result of global advocacy.
Hunger Summit
On the day of closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics, the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister, David Cameron, used the spotlight of the Olympic Games to call for greater international momentum to tackle hunger and malnutrition.
Global Nutrition Report, 2014
The Global Nutrition Report (GNR)—the world’s leading independent assessment of the state of global nutrition— was established in 2014 following the first N4G Summit, as an accountability mechanism to track progress against global nutrition targets and the commitments made to reach them.
It provides the best available data, in-depth analysis, and expert opinion rooted in evidence to help drive action on nutrition where it is urgently needed. Through a comprehensive report, interactive Country Nutrition Profiles, and Nutrition for Growth Commitment Tracking, the GNR sheds light on the burden of malnutrition and highlights progress and working solutions to tackle malnutrition around the world.
Investment Framework
The World Bank, Results for Development, and 1,000 Days launch an investment framework on nutrition, giving decision-makers a roadmap for scaling up investments in nutrition and reaching a set of the global nutrition targets by 2025.
Global Nutrition Summit
In 2017, at the Global Nutrition Summit in Milan, governments, civil society organizations, private philanthropies, and the private sector made financial and policy commitments totaling $3.4 billion.
SUN Lead Group Meeting
Members of the SUN Movement Lead Group met at the UN General Assembly to discuss individual and organizational N4G commitments from their respective organizations and institutions and to formally recommend a third phase of the SUN Movement from 2021-2025.
Committee on Food Security
A major global meeting to ensure food security and nutrition for all by focusing on ways to accelerate SDG 2—ending hunger in all its forms.
SUN Global Gathering
The government of Nepal along with SUN hosted the 2019 Global Gathering where participants gathered to share how to accelerate progress towards the SDGs and formally kick off coordinated activities—across sectors, stakeholders and geographies—to ensure a successful N4G Summit in 2020.
2020 Global Nutrition Report
The Global Nutrition Report, the world’s leading independent assessment of the state of global nutrition, released its 2020 Report in May 2020.
December 7-8: N4G 2021 Summit
The upcoming N4G Summit held in Tokyo under the auspices of the Japanese government. The Summit will bring together stakeholders across sectors to generate financial and political commitments to nutrition, focusing on the critical roles of food, health and social protection systems in delivering good nutrition for all.